Services & Solutions
We offer practical, tested, and effective services and solutions to maximize your organization’s human performance. While not all inclusive, we specialize in the following:
Human Resources Assessments
Training & Development Programs
Systems & Program Development
On‐Site Human Resources Support
Special Human Resources Projects
Employment & Labor Law
Human Resources Assessments
Foundations Human Resources Consulting will target an assessment to your company’s specific needs and/or conduct a comprehensive assessment to include all aspects of Human Resources. Each assessment is customized to the needs of your company. Following are examples of just some of the assessments Foundations can provide, but this list is by no means exhaustive:
- HR Organization/Functional Assessment: This assessment will evaluate your HR organization structure and function in relation to your needs and HR’s intended purpose within your company. Foundations will make recommendations to close any gaps identified, including staffing and roles and responsibilities of the HR function, to most effectively meet organizational goals.
- Culture Assessment: Foundations will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your corporate culture in relation to the culture you desire to establish or maintain or to prevailing best practices. Our consultants will make recommendations to establish or align cultural objectives to your company’s vision, mission, and values, and propose programs to sustain the desired culture to maximize performance.
- Morale Assessment: This assessment is focused on employee morale and opinions around key issues which drive motivation and productivity. Foundations will make recommendations to correct problem areas and to align policies, systems, and programs in order to sustain improvements.
- Vulnerability Assessment: Foundations will evaluate your company’s vulnerability and preparedness for unwelcome union activity. The assessment includes a visual evaluation of the premises, employee interviews, and an assessment of your community to uncover areas of concern and to propose an action plan to address these areas.
- Positive Employee Relations Assessment: With this assessment, Foundations will determine and evaluate the status of systems that support a positive employee relations work environment. A positive employee relations assessment will provide systems for on-going tracking, reporting, and resolution of employee-relations issues through strategic and scheduled two-way management/employee interactive opportunities. The assessment includes Foundations’ recommendations to improve or implement elements of these systems to maximize the performance of your organization.
- Foundations of Leadership Expectations Assessment: This 360° program assesses leaders’ skills by looking at how effectively they perform their daily jobs. As with all Foundations’ assessments, the process is fully customizable and provides data at the individual and group level. This assessment is a great precursor to succession planning and other performance development programs.
Training & Development Programs
Foundations’ hallmark solution is training. Our consultants can provide training modules and customized training and development programs to meet your organization’s specific needs. Examples include:
- The Foundations of Leadership Series©: This training series includes four to six modules designed to establish and maintain a culture of servant leadership (i.e., serving others before serving yourself) for positive employee relations. In it, Foundations emphasizes an approach focused on maximizing individual and team performance and motivation, as well as reducing turnover. The full series is targeted to management, and a three-part series is also available for nonexempt team leads.
- Connecting With Millennials: Engaging the new generation for optimal motivation and performance can be a challenge for some companies. This course provides a solution.
- Positive Employee Relations: Foundations’ PER training will develop supervisors’ understanding of the current federal labor laws affecting the workplace and their role in providing a positive employee relations environment. It focuses on their responsibilities as supervisors under these laws and also addresses the different ways employee conduct may be protected. The course provides guidance on effective responses to potential situations.
- Labor Law Update Training: Today’s rapidly changing labor landscape has an impact on every business. This training provides supervisors with an update on labor laws, regulatory agency activity, and union tactics challenging employers today.
- Problem Solving Methods: Celebrate problems by learning how to recognize and break down a problem to identify a point of occurrence, root cause, and provide countermeasure activity to obtain targeted results. This course will give your company the necessary tools.
- Basics of Lean Manufacturing Tools: This program provides a survey course of lean tools and practices which can be applied in any setting to improve efficiency and eliminate waste.
- Executive Coaching: Foundations can provide individual or team coaching to improve effectiveness and performance.
- Investigations: A “how to” course on methods, tools, and competencies needed to conduct comprehensive investigations in the workplace, this training program will help your company provide fair and consistent management of policies and work rules that are legally sound while demonstrating respect and dignity for all involved.
- Management Tabletop Exercise: In this program, key management members will discuss simulated labor scenarios in an informal setting. This four-hour training is customized to your work environment and can be used to assess strategies, plans, policies, and procedures.
Don’t see what you need? No problem, Foundations can customize training for you on virtually any human resources topic.
Systems & Program Development
Foundations Human Resources Consulting can develop systems and programs targeted specifically to your company that will support building trust and mutual respect through positive employee relations in lean work environments. These programs promote engagement and productivity while reducing turnover in order to maximize productivity and morale within your company. Following are examples of some of the systems and programs for which Foundations can provide assistance:
- Communications – programs and systems emphasizing two-way interaction
- Issue Resolution
- Recognition
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Employee Handbooks
- Policy Development
- Engagement and Involvement (Employee and Management)
- Staffing Management
- Performance Management
- Morale/Engagement Surveys
- Safety and Medical Management
- Selection System and Promotion Processes
- Candidate Selection and Support
- Performance Evaluation and Coaching
- On-boarding
On‐Site Human Resources Support
Foundations can provide on-site support for your HR professionals, allowing your company to proactively engage employees and identify issues.
Special Human Resources Projects
Foundations’ consultants have many years of experience in all functions of human resources, which allows us to provide specialized knowledge and skill to just about any HR challenge you and your company may face. We are able to advise, coach, and produce a high-quality and comprehensive deliverable for most any need you may have. Examples include:
- Workforce Surveys
- Investigations
- Human Resources Newsletters
- Focus Groups
- Change Management Strategies and Plans
- Crisis Management and Communications
Employment & Labor Law
Foundations Human Resources Consulting is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fisher Phillips, one of the country’s premier law firms specializing solely in labor and employment law. As such, we are able to partner with the firm to provide legal training and services. We offer training in these and other areas:
- Disability Discrimination: This training covers the history of the Americans with Disabilities Act, including its amendments, coverage, the definitions of disability, exclusions from coverage, reasonable accommodation issues, confidentiality requirements, medical exam inquiries, and practical tips to avoid liability.
- Wage and Hour: The focus of this training is the Fair Labor Standards Act and state law counterparts, white‐collar exemptions, permissible and impermissible deductions, regular rate issues, travel time, remedies and penalties, and practical tips to avoid liability.
- FMLA: This training covers the key provisions of the Family & Medical Leave Act, the leave requirements, the definition of serious health condition, notice requirements, types of leave, remedies, and practical tips to avoid liability.
- Anti‐Harassment Training: This module focuses on the impact of harassment on an organization, and instructs supervisors on how to take immediate action upon discovering any type of workplace harassment. The module includes realistic scenarios, including scenarios based upon examples from work settings that are similar to your organization.
- Human Resources Documentation: This training is based on a mock deposition and gives tips for putting together good documentation.
- Discrimination: This interactive training includes realistic scenarios involving different types of discrimination (e.g., sex, race, religion, etc.), and also discusses remedies and practical tips to avoid liability.