Managing Tensions in the Workplace: Interactive Training Session

Carol Sampson or Stephanie Prewitt
As agreed
As agreed
2 hours

Is your organization prepared to handle the tensions in the workplace caused by the pandemic, social justice issues, and the election? Do you have appropriate policies in place to foster an environment of dignity and respect in your workplace? Do your supervisors know how to handle difficult conversations that will inevitably arise? If not, your company could pay the price in terms of potential litigation, low morale, lost productivity – even workplace violence. So what can you do? Our interactive training “Managing Workplace Tensions” has been designed specifically for the unique challenges we are facing, and can be customized to fit the needs of your organization. With this training, management and front-line leaders alike can learn how to successfully handle tough societal issues that are impacting both in-person and remote workplaces – issues that are causing tensions now and are likely to increase through the end of the year. Don’t get caught unprepared.

The training is 2 hours in length and can be delivered virtually or in person.  If you are interested, please contact your Fisher Phillips attorney or call Caroline Baesler at 859-286-1117. You may also contact Foundations through our website.

"Human Resources is the foundation to any company’s success and my team and I build programs to enhance the work environment, promote trust, improve engagement, and strengthen management's relationship with their employees. Our work is done with a thoughtful eye to cost and compliance."

- Carol Sampson, Founder -
Copyright Foundations Human Resources Consulting © 2017